Staff, professionalism and experience


A flexible and highly motivated work team

The Derming Institute employs an internal team characterized by interdisciplinarity, composed of qualified professionals in Dermatology, BioEngineering, Biology, Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology and numerous external consultants, activated on a project basis.

Medical skills: dermatology, ophthalmology, gynecology.

Technical / scientific skills: engineering, IT, statistics.

Modern equipment and techniques
Multidisciplinarity and qualified staff
A flexible and highly motivated work team

Dott.ssa Adele Sparavigna - Founding Member

Surgeon Specialist in Dermatology

Author of over 50 publications in magazines and specialized texts and as many readings, reports and communications at national and international congresses.

Member of numerous Dermatological Associations: International Society of Bioengineering and the Skin, International Society of Skin Imaging, Italian Society of Dermatology and Venereology, International Society of Plastic Dermatology, Italian Women Dermatologist Association. Collaborate in university teaching activities through ECM courses, seminars and research projects.

He participates in the editorial activity of numerous magazines in the dermatological and cosmetic fields.

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