Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology 2015:8 57–65 Adele Sparavigna, Beatrice Tenconi...
Efficacy Evaluation of a Cosmetic Slimming Treatment for the Waist and Hips: A Double-Blind Study
SKINmed. 2015;13:23–29 Adele Sparavigna, MD;1 Regina Vesnaver, PhD;2 Anna Cenni;3 Marco Oliva3 Der...
A new dermal filler made of cross-linked and auto-cross-linked hyaluronic acid in the correction of facial aging defects
2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Adele Sparavigna, MD,1 Pasquale Fino, MD,2 Beatrice Tenconi, Sc.D,1 Nic...
Evaluation of the Activity and Tolerability of a Cosmetic Treatment for the Periocular Area on the Aging Face: Controlled Clinical and Instrumental Evaluation vs. Placebo
Cosmetics 2014, 1, 105-116 Adele Sparavigna 1,, Beatrice Tenconi 1,, Ileana De Ponti 1, and Giancarl...
Evaluation of Skin Elasticising Topical Formulations by a Torsiometric Test
Journal of Cosmetics, Dermatological Sciences and Applications, 2014 Adele Sparavigna1, Francesco Sc...
Effects of a Novel Nail Lacquer Based on Hydroxypropyl-Chitosan (HPCH) in Subjects with Fingernail Onychoschizia
J Dermatolog Clin Res 2(2): 2014 Adele Sparavigna1, Maurizio Caserini2, Beatrice Tenconi1, Ileana De...
A controlled, randomized, open label study in postmenopausal women to assess the safety and the efficacy of a vaginal moisturizer: An instrumental approach
Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2013 A. Sparavigna1, B. Tenconi1, I. De Ponti1, A. Bulghe...
Assessment of the Antidandruff Activity of a New Shampoo: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Controlled Study by Clinical and Instrumental Evaluations
SKINmed. 2013;11:85–91 Adele Sparavigna, MD;1 Michele Setaro, Eng;2 Maurizio Caserini, MD;3 Anna B...
Efficacy of a topical cosmetic slimming treatment for postmenopausal women: a randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled trial.
Minerva Ginecol. 2013 Pluchino N, Santoro AN, Sparavigna A, Vesnaver R, Cenni A, Oliva M, Genazzani ...
Fermenti lattici vivi contro l’acne
L’INTEGRATORE NUTRIZIONALE, 2012 Adele Sparavigna, Barbara Marzani, Giammaria Giuliani, Anna B...